Adding videos to your stories

You can add videos to your stories from your device anywhere you can add images. Use this guide to learn more about adding and sharing videos in Unfold.

Import guidelines

The following table displays guidelines for video uploads based on your device. 

Guidelines iOS Android
File size No limit No limit
File type .mp4 (.gif files are converted into video) .mp4
Frames per second (FPS) Same as source video, but set to 30 frames per second when exporting. Always set to 25 frames per second regardless of the source video.
Length Maximum of three minutes. Videos longer than that will be trimmed to three minutes. Maximum of 15 seconds. Videos longer than that will be trimmed to 15 seconds.
Resolution The maximum supported output resolution is 1080p. Videos larger than 1080p will automatically resize, which may cause a perceived loss of quality. The maximum supported output resolution is 1080p. Videos larger than 1080p will automatically resize, which may cause a perceived loss of quality.

Add a video

To add a video to a story, add a template with a space to upload images, tap the image icon, and select a video from your device. Depending on the template, you may be able to add multiple videos.

Video length on social media

Depending on the length of your video, it may be shortened when sharing your story to social media.


The maximum length for videos on Instagram stories is 15 seconds. If you share a longer video, it will be shortened to 15 seconds.

To share the full video, save the story to your device, then upload it to Instagram from your device. The full video will be split into 15 second segments.


The maximum length for videos on Snapchat stories is 10 seconds. If you share a longer video, it will be shortened to 10 seconds.

Video looping

Videos shorter than the maximum length for social media stories will loop to fill the maximum length by default. To disable this, tap the video, then tap Play once.

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