Contacting Unfold support

You can contact us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, directly through the Unfold app.

Note: Our support is always in English. If you contact us using another language, we'll do our best to answer using an automated translation of your question.

Contact Unfold support through the app

To contact Unfold support:

  1. On the Unfold home screen, tap the = icon in the top-left corner.
  2. Tap Support.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and tap Contact Support.
  4. Fill out the Unfold help form and click Submit.
Tip: Please use access the support form through the Unfold app if you can to ensure we have all possible diagnostic information. If you can't access the support form in the Unfold app, you can access it through this online Help Center

Tips for contacting us

  • Specificity helps. The more details you can include about what you’re seeing happen, the better we can understand what you want to achieve.
  • You can reply directly to our email responses to your questions.

Topics outside the scope of our support

Before contacting us, note that we don’t provide support on the following topics:

  • Billing and refunds - All Unfold payments are managed through Apple and Google directly. To learn more, contact their support teams or visit Refund policy.
  • Device-specific settings - We can’t help with processes or settings outside of the Unfold app.
  • Social media - We can provide support for sharing to Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and TikTok directly from Unfold, but we can’t help with edits, settings, or behavior that occurs outside of the Unfold app on those or other social media platforms.
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